Fast delivery 12/24kv 630a Bushing Insert - 15kV24kV 600A Dead break T Connecting Plug – Anhuang

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Fast delivery 12/24kv 630a Bushing Insert - 15kV24kV 600A Dead break T Connecting Plug – Anhuang
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Anhuang specialized in Deadbreak Tee plug, we supply high quality Deadbreak Tee pug Connector.


 600A Dead break T Connector Plugs are used to connect two or more 600A dead break terminators. Dead break Connector plugs are typically used in a separable splice, or with a bushing extender, to increase the distance from the apparatus front plate to the 600A terminator, easing cable training. The Load break Elbows are molded using high quality sulfur-cured insulating and semi-conducting EPDM rubber.img sssssProduct Structure

  1. Hex wrench: easy to Installation.
  2. Current-carrying component: is an industry standard,5/8”-11 threaded rod, available in both aluminum and copper, meet the requirement standard IEEE386.
  3. SEMI-CONDUCTIVE SHIELD: High-quality EPDM rubber provides protective dead front shield that meets requirements of IEEE Standard 592.
  4. INSULATION: High-quality EPDM rubber formulated, mixed, and milled in-house for consistent and reliable field performance.


Order Information:

Description Reference No
600A Dead break T Connecting Plug

AH TTL 15/600

600A Dead break T Connecting Plug

AH TTL 24/600





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